Sam is a writer based in Brooklyn. An ex-bicycle messenger and a marathoner, she is a lover of adventure. She is an avid reader of literary fiction and nonfiction in all forms–but has a special love for the weird and the dystopian.
A hand lighting a candle surrounded by essential oils and salt
Blog, Book Reviews, Social Justice

A Healthy Disbelief in the Gospel of Wellness

In The Gospel of Wellness: Gyms, Gurus, Goop, and the False Promise of Self-Care, Rina Raphael takes an in-depth look at the myriad ways wellness has infiltrated contemporary American life and how women, in particular, are under immense pressure to subscribe to ever-evolving and expanding definitions of “healthy” and “well.” People turn to this giant […]

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Lungfish by Meghan Gilliss
Blog, Book Reviews

Book Review: Lungfish by Meghan Gilliss

Meghan Gilliss’s debut novel, Lungfish, left me reeling. Experimental in form and told in flashbacks and fragments with vivid descriptions that verge on poems, Lungfish is disjointed and sometimes chaotic, like the tumultuous and precarious life of its protagonist, Tuck. Its language, like its landscape, is lush and vibrant with a razor-sharp edge. While it

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